Let me drop some Jedi Master-level parenting knowledge on you: Just because you grow up an epic Star Wars fan, then became a dad and go into hyperdrive raising your child in the ways of The Force, things might not turn out exactly as you’d imagined. With the passing of time and the expansion of Mr. Lucas’ universe, stark differences have emerged between generations of Star Wars enthusiasts…
- When I was a kid, Darth Vader scared the bejeezus out of me — as was intended. Upon his first viewing of Episode IV, my then 4-year-old son squealed with glee at Vader’s debut.
- When I was a kid, we called it STAR WARS, not A New Hope. Not Episode IV.
- When I was a kid, you could easily find t-shirts with Luke, Han or the droids on them. Nowadays, the majority of Star Wars clothing for kids is adorned by the Dark Side — Vader, Boba Fett, Stormtroopers, etc.
- When I was a kid, we collected action figures. Today? After six films and multiple animated series, there are hordes of figures in every size, not to mention headphones, watches, bike helmets, lingerie, pet costumes, snowboards, wedding rings, toilet seat covers, bathrobes, chopsticks, sleeping bags, and oh yeah, LEGO. SO. MANY. LEGO.
- When I was a kid, there was no Jar Jar Binks.
Despite all these differences, there are two things that bind my son and I together like The Force: We both love a good light saber battle, and we both love to eat popcorn when we’re watching the Star Wars films. So when I signed on to help promote the #PopWars Video Contest for Pop Secret’s Pre-popped Popcorn, I knew my video had to include copious amounts of popcorn AND an epic light saber battle.
Though my 5-year-old would have been happy to bang around with sticks or empty wrapping paper tubes, I knew those wouldn’t look good on film. So we got our craft on and had a blast making an arsenal of pool noodle light sabers. My son was particularly helpful in choosing which color each of us should have — and then changing his mind a few minutes later.
I can’t remember the last time we had so much fun. Making our own props, snacking on popcorn between takes, running around being silly in the yard… And both Papa and Jon were the best of sports. Usually if you ask a 5-year-old to pose nicely, they do the exact opposite. From now on, I think all home videos and family photos will involve light sabers, Pop Secret, and a script!
Check out our family’s mini epic, #POPWARS EPISODE 6.5: THE BATTLE OF THE BAG
#POPWARS EPISODE 6.5: THE BATTLE OF THE BAGEPISODE 6.5: THE BATTLE OF THE BAG. It all began when I discovered someone had eaten all of the Pop Secret. I was not a happy Jedi Daddy…As the excitement builds in our house for Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens, I teamed up with Pop Secret & Life of Dad to promote the #PopWars Video Contest — where YOU can win $1000 in super galactic prizes! • Visit http://popsecret.lifeofdad.com/ for info, and May The Force Be With You! #sponsored[Be sure to click the HD icon in the bottom right corner of the video.]
Posted by Designer Daddy on Tuesday, June 9, 2015
If you still haven’t entered the #PopWars Video Contest (for a chance to win over $1,000 in Star Wars prizes!) you gotta move quick — like, JEDI quick. All videos must be submitted by Friday, June 12 at 5pm ET. Go to Life of Dad for all the contest details, and may The Force be with you!
When I went to pick up my son from preschool the morning after we shot our masterpiece, he handed me a drawing — his own little masterpiece describing the favorite thing from his weekend.
Translation: “I ‘DAD’ (did) a Star Wars Video.” Don’t those light saber colors look awesome?!? I’m so proud of my Padawan, and can’t wait to take him to see the new movie in December. We may even sneak in some Pop Secret…
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Disclosure: I have partnered with Life of Dad and Pop Secret and was compensated for my participation in this promotion.
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