Now that I’ve trotted out several Christmas cards from years past, I wanted to share this year’s…
Since becoming a Dad, I’ve struggled with designing a Holiday card that would appeal to both my clients AND satisfy family and friends that wanted baby pictures. Prior to parenthood, I’ve done just one card for both purposes — but that was before we had such a good-looking kiddo to show off! Yet I wondered if sending a more personal-looking card to clients would come across as unprofessional.
As usual, time and money ended up being the determining factors. I didn’t have the energy or hours to generate a fabulous/unique/award-winning “business” card, and a second one for friends and family featuring an adorable portrait of JJ and a “form letter” describing all the awesome things we’d done this past year. So I decided to pick one event — our trip to Italy — and threw in a whole mess of photos. I collaged them onto three panels: one of predominantly green hues, one in whites, one in reds. The colors of Christmas… and also the Italian flag. Aren’t I clever?
I concluded that the design and quality of the photography would showcase my talents, and the pictures of happy toddlers eating giant bowls of pasta would melt hearts. And if someone decided not to hire me because they didn’t like my warm and fuzzy Christmas card, bah humbug on them.
Turns out I shouldn’t have been too worried about how the card would be received. So far I’ve gotten 42 emails complimenting the card — 14 from family or friends, 28 from clients or colleagues — by far the largest number of personal notes I’ve received about a Holiday card in 10+ years. Let’s hear it for pics of babies and food!
On a final note, I’d like to once again thank all my family, friends, clients, colleagues and other folks who’ve read, shared and commented on the blog. Every bit of your interaction and support means the world to me. All the best to you and yours for a spectacular 2013!
(PS: Click here to view an interactive version of the card — complete with captions and larger views of the photos!)
The post Merry Christmas, Happy New Year & Buon Natale! appeared first on Designer Daddy.